Lys Bleu Designs

St Johns Bridge

St Johns Bridge 1

The St Johns Bridge, Portland, OR.  A while ago, I believe 2 summers ago (so not really that long ago), I had not ever been to the St Johns Bridge.  It’s not in my neighborhood; there was no reason for me to go that far north.  A customer at First Thursday told me I should go take pictures of it.  I filed that in my mind, and finally went, although I can’t exactly remember when.  My “real camera” was dead at the time, so I took a bunch of Hipstamatic shots, which you can find amongst the Portland photos.  When I revived my camera, it was one of my priorities to go take photos of.  Since it’s winter, there aren’t many nice days, so I have been able to go twice, although the first time (2nd photo) turned out it was nice everywhere except there.  2nd trip had luscious clouds (1st photo), and was more of a success.  I have more photos from each trip, but I edit them a few at a time.  🙂

St Johns Bridge 2

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