Lys Bleu Designs

New Portland photos!

Portland new w (72 of 95)I posted some new photos!  A couple weekends ago it was gorgeous and sunny, and not TERRIBLY cold (like it is now).  I have barely any photos of the East Side of Portland, and I was over on that side for something else, so I decided to drive around and stop whenever I wanted to take photos.  Normally I drive places and see things I want to take photos of but can’t stop, which is a very upsetting thing for a photographer.  So this was my opportunity to stop whenever I saw something.  I rearranged the gallery so the new ones are at the top, so you don’t have to scroll through the whole thing or scroll all the way to the bottom (but check out the others if you haven’t seen them yet!) Photos are on the Portland page here or you may click the photo to the right to get there also.  Enjoy! 🙂

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