art Tag

My baby.  Also something having to do with The Sketchbook Project, but you’ll have to find out specific details later. 🙂  However, regarding Unicorno (the name given him on the box, and the name he is keeping, unless I think of something magical and perfect), He was white and I colored him.  This picture doesn’t […]

I have a couple exciting updates!  The first is that I entered a contest, and one of my photos was selected to be part of a gallery show that took place in San Diego, and will be published in a book coming out next year with all the other winners.  Yay!  You can see the […]

These are a few of my absolute favorite artists…famous ones that I love, and local ones that I love. The photos I chose (at least for the famous ones, it was harder to find photos for the local ones) are not necessarily the most representative of the artist, but personal favorites.  I have attached links […]

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