san diego Tag

Hey, I managed to get the spring showcase photos done before the actual fashion week! Just barely though… I was hoping to be able to go to fashion week this year, possibly as a photographer, but I was trying to build up my portfolio before I applied, and then never got around to applying. Now […]

Obviously I’m quite behind on these, but better late than never, right? I’ve never been to a St. Patrick’s Day parade before, so it was a lot of fun. There were some new, interesting things that I hadn’t seen at previous parades I have been to. It was great to see some actual Irish people/things, […]

Alright, first off, I haven’t been doing much (well, anything really) for about a month.  I mean, photography/business-wise; I’ve been doing quite a lot of other things.  My husband came home from deployment a month ago, and I had a bunch of business craziness right before that, so I took a break to get ready […]

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